This week I have got some real transaction on the plan. It is the standard Cockbain plan of 5*10km per evening plus a Rory. The stretching is paying off and the pain in my hamstring around the sit bone is disappearing
As we had an extremely hot end to the week I did two halves over the weekend instead of a Rory
This week coming all 10km will be targeted at sub 5:00mins/km pace.
The target schedule is
Wk 28 5:00
Wk 29 4:50
Wk 30 4:40
Wk 31 4:30
Wk 32 4:25
Wk 33 4:20
Wk 34 4:15
Wk 35 4:10
Wk 36 4:05
Wk 37 4:00
This ia very agreesive...but we will see combined with a half a kilo a week weight loss..
I also will add a hill and interval session two mornings a week. Add in the swims on Wednesdays and Saturday and the HIITS sessions and we will be well sorted.
Foodwise it is one meal of protein and salad per day. Only when I do a Rory will I add gels and sis go.