Sunday, 24 February 2019


Still struggling to get going. Gonna try and do a minimum of 5km a day just to get the hang of it again.

I found these two videos interesting. They both answer the same question. Where does the fat go?

A shorter jokey one

A longer more scientific one

The secret is to breath guys.

Monday, 18 February 2019

False Start repeated

Got off to a good start last week.
On Monday I did a Cooper test and achieved 2.64km, my best yet.
Then Tuesday morning I did 10 minutes on the stairs and in the evening a very good 20km run with Fatih.
By Wednesday morning, however, I was feeling worn out.  Wednesday evening I only managed 5km. I have rested since then.
This bug I have that is sapping my energy is proving difficult to shift.
I feel better today, so we go again.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

False start

This week has been somewhat of a waste.  I have been feeling very tired and lacking in any energy. My weight is piling making me  feel worse. Just a few very poor runs in the past seven days.

Today, Sunday, I can barely motivate myself to move. Even walking up the stairs was an effort. I spent the day in PJs and sorted and stamped my books.

No idea why I am feeling so bad. Gonna try and get started again this week.

Saturday, 2 February 2019

It starts here

Seven days later and I went out on slushly trails. Three snicker bars, 30km & 2:52.12 (5:44/km) later I was done. Things were ok  up to around 20km.  Then my thighs started burning.  It was only 10km  to go so I went on to make sure the endurance was built up. The 10km splits were 57:35, 55:49 and 58:43,  so we can see that there was a definite slow down. I will do a lot of foam rolling over the next few days to ease the legs off. Next week  I am going to try for a 36km run at the same speed.

                                                    I WILL GET IT BACK!