Monday, 25 November 2024

Only three weeks to go.

It is only three weeks to go. There this week will be the hardest and then I can relax a bit. Things are settling down and I am seeing my  garmin reporting that I am peaking in terms of training. I will do more high aerobic this week and next just to getting used to pushing hard for longer periods.

I have ordered more of the murten gels bars and drinks and have ensured that I have enough bottles to speed the pickups. 

I will put the clothing, floor and racing plan together in time for the next up date. 

Monday, 11 November 2024

Two good weeks

 The last few weeks have been good training wise.  The two endureance runs (40km on  3rd & 20km on 10th)  went well, with no noticable drops in speed.  The food I used was 500ml of Maurten drink per 10km  and Maurten gels & bars. I felt annoy about 20km into the 40km run, but Chrissy got me going again.  Yesterday I did 20km at race pace, which given the ascent of 311m  the course was pretty well done. Barcelona will be on a a flat 400m track. 

I didn't run the first three days or swim of last week due to the travel to Berlin and having to do an interview with PeopleCert. But everything was done. All of the interval sessions (1minute*10, 3minute*10 & 8minute*5) plus the hill session show signs of improvement. The only thing I am worried about is that my weight has plateaued at 80kgs. I will try a fast to getting it going again.