Monday 14 October 2024


I have committed to running the Barcelona 24hour race in  nine weeks time. This is a tough ask, but I can focus on loosing weight via water fasting and building speed via the Cockbain method.  In the last week I have done strength training three times, swam a kilometer and ran on five days,  including two interval sessions, a hill rep session and finally a 10km race on Sunday.

Regarding the race, my first since the fiasco of the 2023 marathon, a little background is needed. Some five years ago Chrissy and I met Sherry at a wedding. She said she always wanted to go running in the woods around our house, but was worried about running alone. From then on we ran on and off. in  the Taunus. Obviously having broken my leg at the beginning of the year we have not met up for sometime. Then last weekend we had a conversation that went something like this 

Sherry: Morning ⛅️ shall we attempt a run tomorrow?
Rob: We are off to Gemünden to see a friend finish a 100 mile race
Rob: Next week maybe
Sherry: Next week is the Kurparklauf maybe you fancy that 😀
Rob: Distance?
Sherry: There’s a 5km and a 10 km, it’s 2 and 4 times around the park, not super exciting but I can’t motivate myself to run alone so races and friends are the way to go right now 🤣
Rob: Which one are you doing? I can't see that you are registeres and I know you Sherry. If you don’t commit now you will find an excuse not to do it on the day. Register now and I will do it with you. Do it. DO IT NOW!
Sherry: Hahaha ok fine, so the 10 km? It’s not too early and quite close to my home

On the Sunday morning Chrissy and I drove down to Bad Homburg and met Sherry.  The Kurpark is very pretty and especially so on an Autumn morning.  The start was a little chaotic but as soon as the hooter went I rushed off. I started way to fast and did the first kilometer in 5:21.   The course was quite undulating so that didn't help to maintain a consistant pace,  but I settled down and looked at maintaining a 5:30-6:00 /km pace. During the second lap I felt a twing in my left hamstring, but realised that was just a warming up and nothing to worry about,  even though part of me  told me  to quit.  I slowed over the second half, but ended with an average of 5:45/km  over the whole race. I was quite please the final time was 57.22. 

Sherry unfortunately felt bad and her hip started hurting after 5km.  The last time  she  had the same feeling she end up with back problems, so took the safe option.  We met Sherry and her Mom  after the race which was nice as her Mom is where Sherry' humor comes from.  In the end a successful day.  

I mentioned the race to my friend James and we had the following exchange
James: That is mega impressive and a massive step forward
Rob:Steady on chap. Hardly mega...
James:It is. You’ve had a massive fracture. Every step on the road to rehab is important.

As I said to Chrissy afterwards, if I can do something it can't be  that hard. Sometime I don't realise what I can do is a bit different from others.

As well as the running my weight is showing signs of improvement, down over 5kgs since the beginning of October. I want to get under 80kgs this week which is roughly and 3 kgs. This is achievabl via fasting and training.  I will commit to running  six days and swimming 3km as well as the three weight session.

Until next week.


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